(Picture upper left is Sista with his first edition of, "Hold On To Hope.")
Sista wrote his book in 2004 as a Christmas gift to an underpriveleged girls group called, "Smart Girl's Club" founded by Pat Van Hoosier. Sista always had plans to have it officially printed, and received many of God's blessings along his journey to meet the final publishing path.
Through the mighty hand of God and His timing Sista celebrates the offical printing of "Hold On To Hope" in 2012.
Hold On To Hope is Sista's life story of his people and animal friend's who have enriched his life.
Sista, a special needs rooster, teamed up with his friends at The Augusta Training Shop who are mentally and physically disabled adults to illustrate his book. Through Sista's story, combined with the talent from the highly skilled Augusta Training Shop artists, lessons for living a full life with- out boundaries are to encourage all.
Sista thanks you for purchasing his book and hopes it will influence your life positively.
A portion of book sales go to The Augusta Training Shop and can be purchased on Sista's Homepage, About Sista Eddie page, or Sista's video page-LOOK for the PayPal button.
Book: $16.00 includes 8% tax and shipping.
Paperback/Saddle-stitched, size: 9 x 6
Don't forget to sign his guestbook!